Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The (5) Five Senses of Entertaining

I found this fun little information on Urbanity Studios website and thought I would share! An event that is memorable appeals to all Five Senses. Think about these elements when you're planning your next occasion…


As soon as your guests walk through your front door or garden gate, set their sights on beautiful things. Fresh flowers, lit candles, or a beautifully set table, create a welcome that captures more than a glance.

Whether guests hear ambient music, birds singing, or water falling, sound is an essential component of a successful party. It helps to set the mood, the pace, and the overall feeling of the celebration. No matter if you're hosting a backyard barbecue or a cocktail party, think about the atmosphere you desire and work to achieve that feeling through sound.

Smell has the power to remind us of our childhood, a moment in time, or a particular person. It has such a strong connection with our emotions, but is often ignored when planning an event.
Some easy and fairly inexpensive ways to create a wonderful smell that fits the occasion is to buy a candle that has been infused with the aroma that will delight your guest's nose. Fresh flowers are also a great way to fill the space with clean scents. Timing when you bake your dessert or hot appetizer also helps to create great smells when guests arrive.

Entice your guests to not only study your table and party decorations, but make the party accessories either interesting or playful enough for guests to want to pick the items up. For instance, display photos of the guest of honor or strategically place memorabilia or items that enhance your theme all around your event space.

Some may argue that food is the most important factor to a successful party. We would say that we have to agree. That is why we rely heavily on some key cookbooks to help us delight our guest's appetites. The Joy of Cooking and the Best New Recipe are some of our favorites. Generally, the recipes are easy and turn out wonderful, giving the perception that you are professional chef.

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